Power Steering Fluid Foaming – Causes And Solutions

Power Steering Fluid Foaming – Causes And Solutions

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Power steering fluid can foam or get diluted. This can result in multiple problems for the driver.

For example, steering can become problematic while the driver may lose control.

Power steering fluid foaming exposes the driver to loss of power, turning difficulty, and lower steering response.

Power steering fluid foaming causes

It can also lead to loss of fluid level, preventing the car from moving at all. You should not delay in resolving the issue if you notice it.

What Causes The Problem?

Power steering fluid foaming happens when power steering fluids enter the reservoir and start foaming.

The problem can occur when air is sucked into the system from the areas below:

  • The front seal of the steering pump
  • The low-pressure connection on the pump
  • Pipework between the reservoir and the pump

The air sucked into the system will mix with the power steering fluid by the movement of the vanes. It leads to Power steering fluid foaming.

The frothy fluid cannot transmit force, which makes the steering heavy.

Outcomes Of Air In The System

Power steering fluid foaming can sometimes cause you to drive the car in reverse.

Take your vehicle to a mechanic as soon as possible once you start experiencing any of these problems.

The mechanic may have to replace the power steering system to resolve the issue and recommend using a foam or sealant on the flip side.

The sealant can alleviate the associated symptoms.

The outcomes of air sucked into the power steering system are:

  • Pulsation or vibration of the steering wheel occurs when the power steering system fails to provide the proper pressure level. It makes the wheel shake or vibrate.
  • Steering fluid leak or reduction in level: You should suspect a leak if you notice a fall in the steering fluid level.
  • Stiff steering: When the power steering is difficult to turn, it is a sign that the fluid amount is lower than expected.
  • Noise in the steering: Something is wrong if the power steering system produces strange noise.

Reservoir Overflowing

Power steering fluid foaming can cause fluid overflow when air is trapped in the power steering reservoir. Some of the causes of the overflow:

  • Power steering gearbox failure
  • Clogged power steering system filter
  • Failed power steering pump

Before detecting power steering fluid leakage, you do not have to visit the mechanic. The leakage causes a strange smell in cars coupled with poor steering control.

It is the most common cause of Power steering fluid foaming.

Foaming When The Engine Is Cold

The fluid foaming of the power steering system can also occur when the engine is cold. It is an obvious sign that something is not right with the system.

Usually, it is due to improper functioning of the hose or pump in the power steering.

Power steering fluid foaming can prevent steering maneuvering. A low reservoir level can cause the power steering fluid to foam when cold.

To check the fluid level, remove the cap first. Then dip the tube into the fluid.

The reservoir is low if the fluid is red or pink. So, it would help if you filled the fluid before replacing the cap.

There is no need to refill the reservoir if it is full of fluid.

Power steering fluid foaming can also be due to a blockage or leak. In the case of a leak, the fluid escapes from the power steering system and foam.

If it is a blockage, the fluid is trapped and unable to escape, causing the foam.


Watch Out For Leaks

It would be best if you did not hesitate to resolve the power steering fluid foaming issue once it comes up. Prevention is better than repair.

One of the best preventive moves for power steering fluid foaming is to check for leaks regularly in the power steering system.

Repair it on time once you locate any leak.

Power steering fluid foaming how to fix it

It would be best to replace the power steering fluid, which can fix the power steering fluid foaming problem.

Replacing the entire power steering system may not be necessary. You can detect a leak if you notice a fluid loss in the power steering system.

Each manufacturer gives specific instructions on power steering fluids. Always follow the instructions to avoid the power steering fluid foaming problem.

The instruction will, however, vary from one manufacturer to another.

Watch Out For Blockages

If the power steering fluid foaming persists after resolving leaks in the system, it may be due to a blockage. Get in touch with your mechanic to have a look.

The mechanic must first carry out in-depth diagnoses to know where the power steering fluid foaming problem arises.

The result of the diagnoses will determine the repair to put in place.

Replace The Power Steering System

If you have followed the tips above, but the problem persists, replacement may be the only option left.

In this case, you will need to remove the entire power steering system and replace it with another.

It would be best if you never made this decision independently but allowed the mechanic to decide for you.

Get Rid Of The Foam

You can remove the foam by turning the steering wheel lock many times. You can also boil some of the power steering fluid before pouring it into the reservoir.

The boiling removes the bubbles of the foam effectively. You can use this method at home, but take note of the fluid’s boiling point.

Avoid reaching the boiling point lest the fluid becomes more viscous. You can push the bubbles or foam out of the fluid by using a plunger.

The mechanic will have to carry out a diagnostic test on the system to confirm the presence of air in it.

The expert will also need to dismantle the system to remove any debris preventing fluid flow. After that, the mechanic can check for any damaged components.

Make sure you replace the parts before coupling and resealing the system. After coupling, you must re-test the power steering system to check if it will function properly.

Turning The Steering Wheel Lock

One easy way to remove air from the power steering system is to turn the steering wheel lock to lock many times.

While this method should work, it may not be entirely effective in all makes and models of automobiles.

The technique can be effective in Peugeot 407, but it must be followed with bleeding the system.

The problem is best resolved in the Impala car by visiting a mechanic.

If there is a foaming problem in your 2007 Ford Focus, you may have to replace the steering system.

To resolve the problem in a Honda Accord, you may need to replace the cooler in the steering system.


The power steering fluid level should not be less than halfway. If it is less than that, do not hesitate to refill the fluid to the correct level.

Before refilling the reservoir, check the quality of the fluid to prevent unwanted outcomes. Make sure you only use the recommended fluid too.

It would help if you used power steering fluids with anti-foaming properties for prevention. This type of fluid reduces fluid foaming and spilling.

The fluid with anti-foaming properties can work with different automobiles. If you do not know where to find one, you can get help from your mechanic on this.